Are You A Psychic? Take This Psychic Abilities Test To Find Out

psychic abilities

Do you believe in psychic abilities? Find out by taking this free, online psychic test. The test will help determine if you have any of the five different types of psychic abilities: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, psychometry and telepathy. Of course not everyone has these abilities- some people just think they do! So take the quiz to find out for sure what your talents are and how to develop them even further.

What is a psychic?

A psychic is defined as a person who has the psychic ability to know or see things that are not known by normal means. They can often sense events before they happen, in order to warn people about them. That’s what makes psychics so special- their sensitivity and insight allow them to make predictions without being able to understand how it’s possible, or even accurately knowing what they predict will happen.

Are You A Psychic?

Simply answer the following 10 multi-choice questions and if you get 6 or more of the questions in this quiz correct; you are a psychic.

Physic Abilities Test:

How many fingers am I holding up?

Correct! Wrong!

What shape am I thinking of?

Correct! Wrong!

What number am I thinking of?

Correct! Wrong!

What food am I thinking of?

Correct! Wrong!

Heads or tails?

Correct! Wrong!

What color am I thinking of?

Correct! Wrong!

Heads or tails?

Correct! Wrong!

What is my favorite food?

Correct! Wrong!

What color are my eyes?

Correct! Wrong!

What animal am I thinking of?

Correct! Wrong!

Psychic Abilities Test:

You are a psychic!

Congratulations! We have notified the authorities of your location. A special operations agent will be arriving shortly.

You are NOT a psychic!

Give up.