5 Best League of Legends Discord Servers in 2021

league of legends discord server

League of Legends is a competitive multiplayer online game that has been around for quite some time now. The community surrounding the game is as strong as ever, and there are many League of Legends Discord servers to choose from. In this article, we will be discussing our 5 favorite League of Legends discord servers in 2021!


If you spend a lot of time on Reddit and are a LoL enthusiast, you’ve almost certainly come across this subreddit. It’s One of the most popular LoL subreddits has over 1.2 million followers!

With over 470,000 server members, this Discord community is a great place for players to congregate and chat about League of Legends. The community is very active, with at least one Discord Staff member online 24/hrs a day

Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.com/invite/lol

League of Legends

This is the second biggest LoL Discord server with over 270,000 members. It’s run in collaboration with Riot Games so if you’re looking for a more general League of Legends community, this Discord server is the place to be. There are very few rules here and it’s just an overall great place to hang out with fellow players who love LoL!

Discord Server Invite Link:  https://discord.com/invite/leagueoflegends

TK League of Legends: Wild Rift

This server is for players who enjoy the LoL Wild Rift. This Discord community has over 87,000 members and features active staff members to help you with any questions or concerns that may come up during your time on this server.

Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.com/invite/tkwildrift

League of Mentoring

Becoming a better LoL player may be tough, especially if you don’t have a mentor. League of Mentoring has over 8,000 member and is attempting to tackle this issue with their Discord server. Users from all levels of League of Legends can join the server to learn how to enhance their understanding.

Some higher-rated players provide VOD and OP.GG reviews for mentoring sessions. They also have a variety of notable mentors, including ex C9 analyst ofgsaiph and the #1 Udyr in EUW. If you want to improve your LoL abilities, be sure to check out this Discord group.

Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.com/invite/pVpBmjh

League Community (League of Legends)

27,000 members

Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.com/invite/runeterra

League of Legends Community

10,000 members

Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.com/invite/3kRhgE3Rm9


In conclusion, League of Legends Discord servers are the best place to increase your game knowledge and play skills while also connecting with other LoL players. We hope that this article has helped you find the best LoL Discord server for YOU.
